What does the Digital Reputation Indicator (DRI) measure? Can we evaluate and compare the digital reputation of media outlets objectively and on a global scale? The article “Digital Reputation Indicator: A Webometric Approach for a Global Ranking of Digital Media”, recently published in Journalism by Magdalena Trillo-Domínguez, Ramón Salaverría, Lluís Codina, and Félix de Moya-Anegón, has been recognized as a “trending paper” in Altmetrics, reflecting the growing interest and attention that the research led by SCImago Research Group is generating around this new line of work, which focuses on digital media both academically and professionally.
Altmetrics assesses the influence and visibility of scientific research beyond traditional metrics like journal impact factor. Instead of relying solely on academic citations, this approach considers a range of indicators that reflect the online attention and impact of a scientific paper.
In “Digital Reputation Indicator: A Webometric Approach for a Global Ranking of Digital Media”, the authors explain the methodology behind SCImago Media Rankings (SMR), introducing the Digital Reputation Indicator (DRI). This indicator allows for the evaluation and comparison of the reputation of digital news media at a global level. Since January 2023, SCImago Media Rankings (scimagomedia.com) has been using the DRI as a composite evaluation and measurement tool, weighting web-based metrics from reliable, stable, and globally accessible sources.
The Digital Reputation Indicator (DRI) provides a foundation for the qualitative comparison of digital media using a webometric model based on the following aspects:
- Citation Flow: Assesses the level at which media outlets are cited by other websites.
- Trust Flow: Analyzes the quality of the websites linking to the media.
- Domain Authority Scores (Domain Rating and Authority Score): Evaluates the authority of media domains.
This webometric approach surpasses the limitations of the two dominant media measurement paradigms used until now:
- The traditional model, based on audience metrics.
- The more recent model, focused on social media popularity.
The DRI emerges as a valuable resource for both the academic community and digital journalism professionals.
This research is part of a new line of study driven by the SCImago Research Group, aimed at the global analysis and evaluation of digital media.
Hola buenos días,
Me gustaría incluir el periódico institucional de la Universidad del Rosario para esta medición
Hello, thank you very much for writing to us and for your interest in being part of the project. Unfortunately, since this is a global ranking, we still have limitations in incorporating local and specialized media such as Universidad del Rosario. However, please provide us with the URL/address of the media outlet and we will archive it and consider the possibility of discussing with the team the feasibility of conducting a test with specific requests. Best regards!